Our partners. Organizations and companies that support us.
Our study programme lives from its students – and from its supporters. Thanks to our cooperation partners, we can offer our students the best possible education. Some of these partnerships have been in place for over ten years. Thank you for the good cooperation!
Cooperation partners

Students at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts have the exclusive opportunity to complete their practical semester at F.A.Z . For six months, they can intern as editorial photographers at one of Germany’s most renowned daily newspapers. More than 60 students thus had the great opportunity to professionalize their skills.

The Leipziger Volkszeitung regularly offers students from Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts the opportunity to work in its editorial department. In addition to newspaper photography, students can also gain experience in picture editing and data monitoring.

The Galerie für Fotografie (GAF) is undoubtedly one of the main places for our students in Hannover. Professor emeritus Rolf Nobel founded it in 2014. Now the GAF shows every semester the bachelor exhibitions of our graduates as well as the finalists of the VGH Fotopreis. The GAF has thus become a place of exchange between students, alumni and established photographers.

Every fall, VGH Versicherungen awards the VGH Fotopreis exclusively to students from Hannover. At EUR 10,000, this is one of the most highly endowed awards for photographers in Germany. The jury includes Prof. Dr. Karen Fromm and picture editors from Germany’s most important newsrooms.

Swiss photographer Manuel Bauer initiated the TruePicture grant. Every year it helps three young and dedicated photographers to realize their projects. Manuel Bauer and our teachers mentor the photojournalists. At the same time, each of the three project ideas will also receive financial support of 15,000 Swiss francs (approx. €15,200). Thanks to the close cooperation between TruePicture and Hochschule Hannover, our students benefit particularly from the grant.

The research cooperation with the Reportageschule Reutlingen is exceptional: Every year, the reportage students set out together with students from Hannover in teams of two. The result is GO Magazine – a publication full of exciting reports in pictures and text. The works from this cooperation have already won numerous awards and have been published in all renowned media.
Software partners

To increase the visibility of our study programme and our online magazine, we work with the SE Ranking tool. SE Ranking has become an important way for us to target potential students. Our increased visibility allows us to more effectively showcase the degree program.

Our study programme has been working with the picturemaxx image database for many years. Especially during the Lumix Festival, we were able to make the images of our documentary team quickly and easily available to numerous editorial offices.