“For a long time, parents in Iran believed good girls didn’t dance in public.” Shirin Abedi returns to her native Tehran for a report on ballerinas.
Text: Finn Winkler Fotos: Shirin Abedi
After the Islamic Revolution of 1979, a ban on dancing was enacted in Iran. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Shirin Abedi is fascinated by the subject.She researches for months. But at first she doesn’t dare to take pictures. Because dancing is still not a matter of course for young women in Iran today. “For a long time, parents in Iran believed good girls didn’t laugh or dance in public,” the photographer said. But with the new generation comes a rethinking of society.
One day she comes across the Instagram channel of the Iranian ballet group “Alternative Motion”. She knows that she really wants to photograph the subject. This eventually led to the photo series “May I have this dance”, which would later win numerous awards, including the Felix Schöller Award, the German Youth Photo Award and the ProfiFoto New Talent Award.
In 2021, Shirin will graduate from Hanover. When she looks back on her studies, she remembers: “The lecturers taught me a lot for my whole life. It was her studies that allowed her to really become herself. Her photographs are published in Stern, on Zeit Online, and in brandeins.
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