Feedback from GEO editors.
Journalist Siebo Heinken and head of photography Lars Lindemann visited a portrait photography class in Hannover.

Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts hosted two distinguished journalistic figures on April 24, 2023: Siebo Heinken, editor at GEO, and Lars Lindemann, the magazine’s head of photography. Their aim? Discussion of projects created by students in the second-semester portrait photography seminar. These works on the topic of “heroes” will be part of an exhibition at the Lokschuppen Rosenheim next year.
Professor Lars Bauernschmitt, who supervises the seminar, was pleased that the students were able to benefit from Lindemann’s and Heinken’s many years of experience. “In this way, students learn about different conceptual approaches and how to reflect on presentation options,” Bauernschmitt explains.
The portrait photography seminar is designed to teach students to portray people in single images, pairs of images, series of images, collages, or videos. The aim is to express one’s attitude towards the person portrayed in the pictures.
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