V-Prof. Anna Stemmler

Teaching Areas: Politics of Representation/Visual Culture, Photography Theory
V-Prof. Anna Stemmler has been teaching at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts since the summer semester of 2016, including seminars on “Politics of Representation/Visual Culture” and “Photo Theory”, and has been a research assistant in the program since October 2016.
Previously, she worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Modern Art History, with a focus on modernism, at the Institute for Art and Image History at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Anna Stemmler was also involved in the study program development “Knowledge Transfer in Film” at the Bauhaus University Weimar.
She studied art history and philosophy in Berlin and Barcelona. Various activities in the film industry, as a film critic for the Indiekino magazine as well as author of scientific essays. Ongoing doctoral project on the influence of photojournalistic photography on fictional film since 9/11.

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Hochschule Hannover
Faculty III – Media, Information and Design
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D-30539 Hanover