Dr. Felix Koltermann

Research interests: Photo-editorial action, international photojournalism, visual media literacy, and the photo book in newspaper printing.
Dr. Felix Koltermann, born in 1979, studied photo design at the FH Dortmund and peace and conflict research at the IFSH in Hamburg. He wrote his doctoral thesis on international photojournalism in Israel/Palestine at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Erfurt with a scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
From 2016 to 2019, Felix Koltermann worked at the Institute for Media, Theater and Popular Culture at the University of Hildesheim. He was a lecturer at the HS Hannover, the FU Berlin and the Leuphana in Lüneburg, among others. In addition to his scientific work, he is active as a trainer and speaker in adult education and writes as a freelance journalist (Photonews, FREELENS, MMM, …).
Felix Koltermann has been a research assistant at HS Hannover since October 2019. His most recent book, “Fotoreporter im Konflikt – Der internationale Fotojournalismus in Israel/Palästina,” was published by transcript.

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