“There is no better time to start studying at HsH.” Why the freshmen chose our university and what they hope to gain from their studies.

They come from China, Israel, Syria, the Czech Republic and from almost all parts of Germany: on September 20, 2023, the Visual Journalism and Documentary Photography program welcomed 38 new students. During a short round of introductions, they told us about their reasons for studying in Hannover.
Farah, from as-Suwaida in Syria, discovered her passion for photography in childhood. Over the past twelve years, she has worked for human rights organizations in her home country as well as in Lebanon and Germany. “In Hannover, I want to learn more about storytelling,” says the 38-year-old.
Selma (22) from Regensburg is also studying in Hannover because she wants to make a difference with visual journalism. “I want to find my direction in photography during my studies,” she added. Emil (19) from Munich expressed a personal goal of working abroad as a journalist. His 22-year-old fellow student Max from Berlin has a clear vision for the future: “I want to work for National Geographic.”
All of the students seem to be starting at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts with full conviction. They are united by the desire for something new. This is just as true for Walter (33), a trained electrician, as it is for Annabel (27), who has a law degree behind her.

Jana from Radbruch near Lüneburg can look back on a full 16 years as an educator. She would like to turn her hobby into a profession with the help of her studies. “I said to myself, there is no better time to start studying at HsH†the 44-year-old said.
The majority of first-year students cited a clear focus on journalistic and documentary storytelling as the primary reason for their choice of study. “I did extensive research and kept ending up at Faculty III in Hannover—whether on the Internet or in personal conversations with people who work as visual journalists”, Jana explained.
The family atmosphere in the building, which applicants can get to know during portfolio consultations or during the admissions process, is also well received: “I chose the program because I find the atmosphere very nice,” said Lena (23) from Stadthagen.
We wish all freshmen a good start into their studies!
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Hochschule Hannover
Faculty III – Media, Information and Design
Expo Plaza 2
D-30539 Hanover