Fourth semester: Media Theory, Photo and Text, Online Magazine: Editing and Development, The Image Market, Media Ethics/Media Law, Photo Project, Digital Storytelling, Elective Course 2.

BFO-232 Subject Theory II

Media Theory

Duration: 1 semester
Type (compulsory, elective): Compulsory
ECTS points: 3
Lectures, self-study
Forms of Examination: H
Counting: 1
Teaching and learning methods: S
Responsible for the module: Prof. Dr. Karen Fromm


BUE-232-01 Medientheorie (German)
ECTS points: 3
Prof. Dr. Scholz

BUE-232-02 Media Theory
ECTS points: 3
Prof. Dr. Scholz

Qualification goals: Students possess a basic understanding of media (dimensions) as well as basic historical knowledge. They also have an expanded critical understanding of the dependence of current image media (especially photography and film) on social, technical and cultural conditions, as well as the resulting consequences for individual and collective communication with the help of digital media. They can recognize and independently investigate the phenomena of ‘entertainment’, ‘immersion’, ‘economization of communication’ as well as ‘scandalization’ in digital mass media. Students apply media theoretical positions and methods to current manifestations in moving/image media.

Course content:
The seminar deals cross-sectionally with those positions and perspectives that can explain current and future media behaviour. Topics here are in particular:
— Networking and data society (Levy, Houben Wiedemann, Lovink).
— Entertainment (Postman, Faulstich, Fiske).
— social media and the collective (Luhmann, Barber, Andrejevic, Voirol, Anders, Baudrillard, Mühlhoff)
— Images in everyday digital life (Otto, von Kap-her, Hollert)
— Immersion (Panofsky, Grabbe, Rupert-Kruse, Grau)
— Scandalization and alternative realities (Pörksen, Götz-Votteler, Nagle).
Students will independently examine current media offerings based on the media theory theories and models presented and discussed in the seminar.

BFO-221 Workshop II (WP)

Foto und Tex (G), Online-Magazin Red./ Entwicklung (G)

Duration: 1 semester
Type (compulsory, elective): Compulsory
ECTS points: 6
Lectures, self-study
Forms of examination: Design, presentation, term paper
Counting: 1
Teaching and learning methods: E, W
Responsible for the module: Prof. Lars Bauernschmitt


BFO-221-01 Foto und Text (German)
ECTS points: 6
Prof. Bauernschmitt

BFO-221-02 Online-Magazin Red./ Entwicklung (German)
ECTS points: 6
Prof. Hauri

BFO-221-03 Online-Magazin Red./ Entwicklung (German)
ECTS points: 6
Prof. Hauri/External Lecturer

Qualification Objectives: In the Workshop II module, various practical production and publishing techniques are studied. The course ‘Foto und Text’ enables students to plan and implement topics in picture series (photo and video) and furthermore to formulate texts belonging to them. Students understand the function of image and text and the necessity of their interplay. For the area of digital publishing, students deepen their understanding of processes in an online editorial department. They learn to classify topics according to various parameters such as topicality, exclusivity, and relevance for specific target groups and to plan their implementation in a team. In addition to developing user-oriented formats and the channel-specific preparation of posts with visual and multimedia elements, they are enabled to analyse and optimize published posts.

Course content: The courses ‘Photo and Text’ and ‘Online Magazine Editing and Development’ tie in with the courses from the 3rd semester and expand and deepen the content taught there. ‘Photo and text’:
— Visual narrative forms (reportage, series, essay)
— Verbal narrative forms (reportage, essay, interview)
— Conception of formats for conveying content by combining images and text.
‘Online Magazine Editorial and Development’:
— Development of transmedia thematic plans
— Working with personas
— Working with content management systems and project management tools
— Basics of search engine optimization
— Development of different formats
— Development of visual openers

BFO-222 Qualification IV (WP)

Image Market, Media Ethics and Media Law

Duration: 1 semester
Type (compulsory, elective): Compulsory
ECTS points: 6
Lectures, self-study
Forms of examination: Presentation, term paper
Counting: 1
Teaching and Learning Methods: W, S
Responsible for the module: Prof. Lars Bauernschmitt


BFO-222-01 Image Market
ECTS points: 3
Prof. Bauernschmitt

BFO-222-02 Bild als Ware (German)
ECTS points: 3
Prof. Bauernschmitt

BFO-222-03 Media Ethics and Media Law
ECTS points: 3
Prof. Bauernschmitt

BFO-222-04 Medienethik / Medienrecht (German)
ECTS points: 3
Prof. Bauernschmitt

Qualification goals: The module ‘Qualification IV’ imparts central basics on the image market, as well as on questions of media ethics and media law. The students get to know suppliers (authors) and consumers (publishing organizations) and their interaction on the market as an imaginary place of price formation. Students learn about the functions of the parties involved and possible (indirect) interests in the publication of images in different contexts. Students learn about ethical, moral, and legal standards and understand their function and limitations. Students understand the need for ongoing individual reflection on these standards.

Course content:

— Function and working methods of picture editing, art buying, galleries
— Function of the market
— Market participants (functions and interests)
— Instruments of trade (technique of management, transmission, publication).
— Calculation of production, distribution and publication
— Boundaries of journalism, PR, advertising, art
— Emergence and functions of norms in the media system.
— Reflection on media ethical norms
— Legal aspects of image capture, image distribution and image publication
— Copyright
— Right to one’s own image (rights of the image author, personal rights, rights of the person depicted)
— House right
— General Terms and Conditions
— Liability
— Compensation
— Failure

BFO-223 Project IV

Photo Project, Digital Storytelling

Duration: 1 semester
Type (compulsory, elective): Compulsory
ECTS points: 12
Lectures, self-study
Forms of examination: Design, presentation, term paper
Counting: 1
Teaching and learning methods: E
Responsible for the module: Prof. Christoph Bangert


BFO-223-01 Photo Project
ECTS points: 12
Prof. Bangert

BFO-223-02 Photo Project (German)
ECTS points: 12
Prof. Trippel

BFO-223-03 Digital Storytelling
ECTS points: 12
Prof. Hauri

Qualification Objectives: For Project IV, students have a choice between a photographic project and a digital story. Students will be able to complete a collaborative project on a given or self-imposed topic. Able to work in a team and fit into the structure of a group project. They have learned to make decisions and take responsibility. Knowledge of the contexts of origin and modes of action of multi- and transmedia formats. Capture the different ways linear and non-linear storytelling work. Ability to conceptualize interactive digital stories at the intersection of text, infographics, photography, motion graphics, and news game. Ability to develop prototypes with usability criteria in mind.

Course Content: Students will work on a photographic project of their own choosing. The design character of the work plays a central role. Finding the appropriate visual language, the use of photographic means, logistics, and organization will be addressed during the semester so that by the end of the semester a photographic narrative is largely complete.

— Claim, use, and quality of multimedia stories
— Linear and non-linear storytelling
— Gamification in journalism
— Conception of digital media offerings for specific target groups
— Basics in UI/UX design
— Tools for the practical implementation of digital stories
— Designing user experiences and interactions
— Project planning and implementation

BFO-230 Free Module II (WP)

Elective Course 2

Type (compulsory, elective): Elective
ECTS points: 3
Lectures, self-study,
Forms of examination: E,P,H,R,K
Counting: 0
Teaching and learning methods: S, Ü, V, P, E
Responsible for the module: Prof. Beate Spalthoff, Prof. Heuer, Prof. Garbert


BFO-230-01 Elective Course 2
ECTS points: 3
Lecturers in interdisciplinary teaching, external Lecturers

BUE-230-02 Wahlfach 2 (German)
ECTS points: 3
Lecturers in interdisciplinary teaching, external Lecturers

Qualification Objectives: Students will have acquired advanced skills and professional specializations in various artistic, design, methodological and theoretical areas of art and design practice. They understand how to develop diverse two- and multidimensional solutions practically and experimentally based on diverse artistic-creative questions and techniques. They have learned to develop and expand areas of specialization according to their individual inclinations, or to consciously develop an entirely new field of study as a supplement and extension of their field of study.

Course content: Teaching and individual consolidation of a wide variety of artistic and design methods in theory and practice in a subject of free choice within the range of electives. Artistic choices range from drawing, printmaking techniques, painting, sculpture, and objects to animation, video, video installation, site-specific work, staging, and performance. The elective offerings in the design programs provide the opportunity to further qualify in areas of fashion, photography, media design, interior design, scenography/costume, product design, and visual communication (depending on the offerings).

In the study guide, you will find details about the individual seminars. Click on the semester you want to look at.

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Dean of Studies, Design and Media department

Application and admission procedure

Hochschule Hannover
Faculty III – Media, Information and Design
Expo Plaza 2
D-30539 Hanover